Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Secret of Politics

No guys and gals, I won't tell you illegal things like how to kill people from behind with a crowbar angled at 66.67 degree from the vertical plane of the ground and wearing canvas shoes. I won't even tell you how to smuggle tons of cocaine in your check proof suitcase and underwear from the pits of Latin America. I will tell you, or rather I should say remind you about the old classical good old days of what our grandfathers used to call good old politics.
You may often lament at those long gone days of Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, Genghis, Attila, they are of the same era I guess. Anyway what matters is that their politics was similar. And Old Age. There were no great underground(literally) conspiracies, lots of corruption, etc. What the old folks miss the most is that they had to place a 1000 million Rupees for getting a Passport. Nowadays it has become too simple and for the dimwits. Only children carry passports. Older ones just cross the countries in containers.
The characteristics of a good politician will be(imho)

  • He should take donations gracefully
  • He should act as God's servant and decide the fate of a Man/or preferably a Woman
  • He should be sexually deviant
  • He should have at least 1 scandal per week
  • He should not lose his sleep over the starvation of the people.
  • He should consider men as votes or better vote giving machines etc

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Facts about street dogs

All your life you may have seen street dogs(in India) and loved them, probably feed them and all. How many of you knew their origins or their ethnicity? No one, I am sure. Not surprising though. See most of the dogs are actually Mohammedans, the rest being mostly Hindus.
The Muslim dogs are invariably named Ner-i Kuth Shah for the male ones and Begum Kuk-a-noor for the female ones.For the Hindus they are named Kukur Kumar and Kukur Kumari respectively. Ner-i Kuth Shah has since been colloquialized as 'Neri Kuttah' or simply as 'Kutta' and also the word Kukoor aslso comes directly from the Hindu names as well as the female name of Kuk-a-noor.
So now that you know a little bit of the history of the sweet dogs on the streets you can feel much better and closer to them and understand their feelings and sentiments.